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Oil change enquiry


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Easy, folks.

Quick "Q": Changing my oil yesterday, I managed to put slightly too much oil in. In stead of the level being half way between the min/max lines on the oil chcker window, Its sitting at about three quarters of the way up between the lines. Still not above the max line.

Reckon that'll be alright or do I need to take some out?

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Why would you think that you need to take any out when the level is not above the Max line? :huh: The max line indicates the maximum amount of oil the engine needs.....not the point at which it will explode.....

Ha. I know, logic'n'that. :)

I'd just heard somewhere before that any higher than the middle could be considered over-filling.

I'll leave it then.

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So long as your oil is not over the max line you'll be fine :icon_blackeye:

^ this,with the bike upright but not on stands

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On a related note, why is it bad to fill it above the max line? I've heard it can be as bad for the engine as not putting enough oil in.

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^ this,with the bike upright but not on stands

yeah, it's about 5mm from the max line when upright. Should be grand. Might whack a tube in and syringe a WEE bit out just to be safe.

...that is if that's possible.

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On a related note, why is it bad to fill it above the max line? I've heard it can be as bad for the engine as not putting enough oil in.

a little bit over the max won't hurt, but too much can cause one or more of the following:

increased drag on the crank / pistons / moving parts and over-pressurisation of the crankcase

oil being blown out of the breather into the airbox

oil being blown out of the exhaust, damaging the CAT if you are unlucky enough to have one

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The oil level is below the crankshaft normally, if you fill it up past the maximum it means your crank is whipping through the oil at 10k rpm which isn't ideal.

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I understand this can cause airation in the oil; small air cavities so its foam like, which reduces the lubricity of the oil. Also, it encourages parts to coem into contact with the oxygen, promoting oxidative wear of parts and also promotes oxidation of the oil itself.

And banoffeeee is right, make sure the bike is upright...it might sound like someone telling you how to suck eggs but you wouldnt beleive the people who panic when the bike is on the stand and they see no oil and end up overfilling it

i always make sure its upright, but the "not on stands" part has me wondering.... why not?

Banoffee, over to you....

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i always make sure its upright, but the "not on stands" part has me wondering.... why not?

Banoffee, over to you....

i think it's referring to being on the sidestand, not on a paddock stand.

Eg on the R1, the oil sight glass is on the RHS of the engine. When the bike is on the sidestand, it leans over to the left and it looks like there's no oil in the engine.

hence why, it's normal to check the oil with the bike vertical. I think

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i think it's referring to being on the sidestand, not on a paddock stand.

I see.

I was struggling to find a reason to not be able to use paddock stands.

There ya go.

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my gsxr oil window shows different levels when on just a rear or even front+rear paddock stands together as the bike doesn't sit quite flat. might be a quirk of the oil cooled engine but as a result I always check bikes vertical and not on stands to be sure, and not just said gsxr.

the only other way to be sure is to take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.

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My oil light has started flashing intermittently when I'm stopped at lights. Should I be concerned? I took some oil out, there's still plenty in it, but it's still doing it.

Zak, you wanna field this one.... :(

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Yes - this could be a low oil pressure warning light (what bike? on an SV the oil light is for low pressure, but on some yamaha's its a level light).

I suggest checking all the things you did - particularly the oil filter. Did you change the oil filter? I'd be inclined to drop the oil again and swap the oil filter for a new one and fill with more fresh oil. When you restart, with fresh oil in and fresh filter, the oil light may stay on for a second, but should go out pretty quick once the oil has circulated. Then re-check your oil level and top-up to midway or nearer to the top line. Check for any major leaks and check the oil filler cap is on ok. Check any breather lines.

Its an 07 R1, I changed the oil and filter, all last week. Yesterday, I took the oil level down from JUST under the max line, to just over the mid point. No leaks, i checked.

Tom, i know. :(

I'm quite new to this "home service" lark and no matter how well everything seems to go, something, somewhere along the line, seems to go wrong.

bit'o'trial and error.

More tea vicar?

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first off, on the R1 it's an oil level warning light, rather than oil pressure. well it is on the earlier models, it's unlikely to be any different.

second off, have you really properly checked for leaks - take the belly pan off and double check. It might be weeping a bit around the oil filter, if you didn't tighten it up enough - did you put some clean oil on the rubber ring* before fitting the new filter?

and you did use a new crush washer on the sump plug, didn't you?

ok then if it's not leaking, then try topping up a bit, up to the max level. you shouldn't have taken any out!

Mine will sometimes flash the warning light when the level drops down to half way, even though it's well above the 'minimum' mark.

this time, just add a little at a time, so you don't overfill it again.

*can I press you to a cream slice, Archbishop?

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Just back in from messing some more.

Had the belly pan off, again, everything ship shape and tight as Jeebus intended. Yes, i did lube the filter before putting it on, and yes i used crush washers (had to buy 5 of them so they'd let me use my switch card!)... not a problem.

There was too much in it, My previous claim of is being just over the mid way mark was a bit off after leaving it to sit for a while. So i have removed some more, used a new washer and it seems to've sorted it.

I shall commence riding the fucker and seeing what happens.

Any developments, i shall keep you informed as you know i will.


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Its an 07 R1, I changed the oil and filter, all last week. Yesterday, I took the oil level down from JUST under the max line, to just over the mid point. No leaks, i checked.

Why the hell did you do this... or have I missed summat?

Top it back up to max - light'll go out - ride like a mother humper. HTH.

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Why the hell did you do this...

Because i like to make things as difficult for myself as possible... obviously.

Stop asking stupid questions. :eusa_whistle:

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Anyone care for an update? :getmecoat:

Taken from another topic in reply to Monkey!...

Sometimes its on when i turn the bike on. Sometimes its not. It seems to come on when i'm stopped at lights, slowly flashes a few times, then goes off when i set off again. It has started coming on when i set off, then staying on for a minute or two then turning off.

Stumped. theres very little rhyme or reason to it.

I was passing the Yamaha dealer today, so i went in and asked one of the boys that works in there that i know is an R1 man, having owned the 07 and now an 09. He went and asked the guys in the service dept and came and had a look at it. They say its probably the level measuring thingy* that has got stuck when i overfilled it before, and is now being temperamental, nothing to worry about cuz the oil level is fine. Just needs a few wheelies to get it dislodged.

I don't know if thats what it is, but it seems to be running ok.

* technical term. Look it up.

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According to the owners manual, the sequence its flashing in now is an error code. It means the self diagnostic device has detected a defect in the oil level detecion circuit. It'll keep flashing until the malfunction is corrected. Sposed to take it to the dealer to get it fixed

not necessarily bad news as it confirms their theory. It's gonna get ignored, big style.

Still, it's annoying seeing as the warranty ran out less than 2 weeks ago.

Piss flaps. :eusa_whistle:

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Undo the battery, redo the battery. It works on most things, it's not going to hurt, is it.

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Don't know how, and i think if i tried i'd probably end up with a puncture.

...or something.

It's under the seat on my 5pw so you just undo 4 allen bolts, lift seat off then undo the bolts. To remove use Earth Live, then Live Earth to reconnect (ELLE). Guess you could just disconnect the live and it would also work. Worth greasing the terminals while you're there too.

I'd invest in a service manual and ask a more experienced mate to help or supervise. This will give less chance of the mistakes your gonna make and two pairs of hands or brains are better than only your own!

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It's under the seat on my 5pw so you just undo 4 allen bolts, lift seat off then undo the bolts. To remove use Earth Live, then Live Earth to reconnect (ELLE). Guess you could just disconnect the live and it would also work. Worth greasing the terminals while you're there too.

I'd invest in a service manual and ask a more experienced mate to help or supervise. This will give less chance of the mistakes your gonna make and two pairs of hands or brains are better than only your own!

I have a service manual, and that sounds pretty straight forward. But is it worth doing? I mean, how likely is it that it'll actually make a difference?

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