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brake woes


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hi i have bled my front brakes on bikes loads of times but this time i bleed them and the lever is nice and hard but when i move the bike the brakes work and then suddenly the lever comes back to the bar any ideas,i have bled them a couple of times now but it does it again cbr600 fy model

thanks for any ideas

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Are your brake discs warped ???

When you wheel the bike can you hear the discs intermitantly brush the pads or was there a pulsing at the lever when you brake. The disc could be pushing the pads back in the calipers so when you brake theres "nothing" there.

If the master cylider seals have gone you'll see fluid if you take the dust seal off (it's the softish seal around the plunger)

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Yup, I'd go for what EvilChicken is suggesting here, the discs could be warped or there could be too much run out.

This can push the pistons back in the bores meaning that you have excessive lever travel to get full pressure.

Try and get ther front wheel off the ground and spin the wheel while looking down the centre line of the calliper and see does the edge of the disc move inboard or outboard indicating warp or runout.


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