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Brake Problem

Street-Race Bikes

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Hello clever blokes, need some help, a customer has sent me the following enquiry:

"I have a quad that was made from an NX650.

The front and rear brakes work from a foot pedal only.

I want to preferably put a hand brake on the front wheels.

Or a cylinder of some sort that will when the foot brake pedal is depressed will apply the front brakes first and with more force; then apply the rear wheel brakes.

The more that you press the pedal the more force will be applied to the front brakes; just like a bike works.

As it tends to lock up the rear wheels when you push on the pedal.

Could you therefore advice what I need"

I would of thought a brembo master cylinder coupled to a brake bias adjuster would produce the desired result, but has anyone got any better solutions.

Cheers in advance guys

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I was thinking about the honda CBS, but to be honest, it's a pain in the ass. What happens is you squeeze the front lever and the outer pairs of pistons (3 pot sliding caliper both sides) apply, as does the centre one on the back (similar caliper at the rear). Squeeze the back brake and the outer two on the back apply as does the middle 1 on the front left and then, as you build up pressure in the system, the other side middle pistons applies too. So, to get it to work properly you need all 3 calipers in the system and the patience of a saint when you bleed it. Once it's done you soon realise that sliding calipers are a bit average anyway and you'll want a proper 4 pot. Like he said, just get a normal front brake, decent caliper and a decent matched master cylinder and you'll be fine.

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Thanks. I think the linked brake idea would just lead to ball ache and expense for very little benefit. Plus who wants a quad you can't do big skids on?

Thanks for you advice, appreciate it.

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