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Electrical woes...


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Right guys I could really do with some wisdom from the PB minds...

First a bit of background info...

So the other day the bike went in to have TimeSerts fitted to the engine mounts, after one of the threads was stripped. The FI light had been on and off with the SET valve causing the problem, then fairly consistently on. I took care of that issue and took the bike for a blast (for about an hour) and it ran like a dream. Although the RPM and the speed randomly dropped to 0 then bounced back twice during the ride (never happened before). Got home, engine off and tried to restart it pretty much straight away and was trying to turn over but sounded like the battery was pretty much dead.

After much probing ( :icon_blackeye: ) with the multimeter and a new battery I thought I'd found the culprit. A dodgy alternator/generator/stator (whatever you want to call it). The bike fired up first time no problems with the new battery, and now being able to test it under load I saw that the voltage was slowly dropping off while the bike was running. So clearly not getting a charge.

I've tested the Reg/Rec and got the following readouts (mine in blue)..


As they were consistent I thought this is a good thing. The back of the Reg/Rec looks good with no signs of overheating on it or the wiring.

Testing the alternator at the plug (as stated in the workshop manual) initially gave me the following results..

Yellow 1 > Yellow 2 = 0.6/7 (jumped between the 6/7)

Yellow 1 > Yellow 3 = 0.7

Yellow 2 > Yellow 3 = 0.6/7 (jumped between the 6/7)

which again seemed good. But I havn't been able to get these (or any) readouts from the alternator since. Now when the probes make contact they give a random set of figures then drop quickly to 00.0

So I removed it to take a look and it looks bloody perfect, no physical signs of damage anyway, no burnt coils, nothing...


So what do you guys think. Do I believe the multimeter and spend money on a replacement alternator? or do you think I'm missing something? Cause at the moment I'm doing a lot of this > :eusa_whistle:

Any advice appreciated (unless its to burn it with fire....I'm not there.....yet)

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Test the output of the 3 phases with the engine running and the stator - reg/rec plug disconnected, with it at a fast idle you will probably get the upper 20s AC volts across the pairs. You are just looking for 3 similar readings across the three pairs, Run it for a short while to see if the charge is put out consistently, if it is consistent then it's more than likely the reg/rec casuing the problem.

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Cheers for the replies lads. Bezzer I'll try testing it as you suggest as well.

Am I right in saying you have a gsxr750?

No mate its a GSXR 600 K6. Reg/Rec and Stator problems are well known for this model (and the 750s) from what I've recently found out. :dribble:

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Really? I'll remember that if my dad has problems with his K6 750. OEM reg/recs for suzuki's seem to be quite the weak point. How many miles on your bike, if you dont mind me asking? Jus curious, my dads has maybe 12,000. the only problems hes had are with the exhaust valve being a bit sticky, and then the servo valve for the exhaust needing adjustment (you know, the bit under the seat)

Mines got just under 9000 miles on it. To be fair its been faultless til now. I completely disconnected the SET valve in the end and it ran bloody brilliantly, some guys reckon that you lose some midrange, but I didn't notice. It definately pulled harder higher up the revs.

Well after using a different multimeter I can get solid readings off the generator plug everytime (0.4 from each wire). So I'm going to put it back together and do the other tests with it under load. If nothing conclusive comes of that I'm going to bite the bullet and replace the Reg/Rec with the Mosfet upgrade kit (I've heard a lot of good reports about them) as that seems to be the most common cause of problems.

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Just a quick thought, would any earths have been disturbed/removed when the new engine mount was put in place? With the flappy instrument readout, and the seemingly out of sorts starting, I would be looking for earths first of all.

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Just a quick thought, would any earths have been disturbed/removed when the new engine mount was put in place? With the flappy instrument readout, and the seemingly out of sorts starting, I would be looking for earths first of all.

I'm beginning to think this Tom. I'm going to speak to the guy that worked on it later.

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Right well I seemed to have fixed the bike, apparently through a process of swearing at it, threatening it and bargaining with it. :(

The new battery might have helped, although the voltage readings off that still weren't right to start with, so I can only assume removing the Stator re-taping the wires going into the plug and refitting it must have had something to do with it. Either way its working and the battery is getting a charge, so happy days :eusa_dance:

Cheers to everyone for their replies and advice :pb2:

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Just to add my twopenny to this thread in case someone unearths it on a search when their bike plays up.

When my K7 750 popped its Reg/Rec it blew the main every time the bike was started until I sourced the problem.

Redcar Suzuki helped me out though, guided me on how to source the problem before they would sell me anything, supplied a K8/9 Reg/Rec that is beafier and more reliable (Although located in a different place on a K8/9 they will fit in the same place as the K6/7) The units are black too, which is nice. I think I got it cheap £80 IIRC and it arrived in the next days post after ordering.

I know this wasn't the issue but it might help someone, maybe, perhaps?

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