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Help - need chain links


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I need some chain links to lengthen the chain on my ZX10 so I can move the rear wheel back and improve the suspension geometry.

I think I need about 6 links of Regina ZRP 525 chain

Anyone got a offcut knocking about or know if/where I could get same.



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Can't help you with the spare chain, but 6 links is a lot of chain, I know on any of my bikes 6 links would be the whole of the adjustment taken up and then some, unless you're putting a new sprocket on the back with a load extra teeth.

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Can't help you with the spare chain, but 6 links is a lot of chain, I know on any of my bikes 6 links would be the whole of the adjustment taken up and then some, unless you're putting a new sprocket on the back with a load extra teeth.

Ok Maybe 4 links then.... :D

Seriously though I want to move the rear axle back a decent distance - currently it is at about 1/4 of it's travel I'd like to get it back to 2/3rds or 3/4s of the travel (could be 25mm linearly I reckon)



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Yep agree with Zak, you'll have 1 extra link at the top run, one more at the bottom, hence 2 more links give the extra length of 1 link (more or less, I know the chain's at an angle, but come on....)

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Yep agree with Zak, you'll have 1 extra link at the top run, one more at the bottom, hence 2 more links give the extra length of 1 link (more or less, I know the chain's at an angle, but come on....)


So I need 4 links basically :)

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You two go away and think about it ;)

A complete link is one inner + one outer, each with a pitch of 16mm. Hence one complete link = 32mm.

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And so one of your links is going to be 16mm like you said in your first post then is it? Then, when you buy a 110 link chain it's 110 inners and 110 outers as well, yes?

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Nope there 108 pins in my case :)

Tell me, can you fit one extra link ? :P

This is a half-link.


This is a halfling


This is one of those endless discussions. Well, not endless, because they're awkward to fit, but certainly joint with a rivet link.

The point is the guy needs 64mm in his chain to get 32mm wheelbase.

Are we clear ?

I can't hear you !

I said, are we clear !

etc etc etc. ;)

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Still - moving the rear wheel back to improve suspension geometry is a bit extreme especially doing it with a bit more chain (no matter what the deffinition of a link maybe). As said you'll be near the end of the chain tensioners' adjustment so when the chain stretches you won't have much before you have to take a link, (whatever that maybe), out.

I appreciate that lenghtening the swingarm will make the bike more stable in a straight line but also slightly slower to turn but any long term sollution will mean modding the swingarm. If this is a short term thing tough I guess it won't matter what the make of chain is just order a small length (nothing funny there) and cut the pin if you need to shorten it again.

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Nope...thats 2 links. An inner and an outer.

No, trigger's cheating in order to justify himself by showing one normal inner and a funky inny-outy link. It's kind of the bisexual of the chain world. Or maybe, like Trigger himself, it's the missing link. Who knows...

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Been through the same issue myself a few years ago trying to get a link for a regina 520. Although they are very good chains they are not well supported in the UK.

It's going to be easier to switch chains.

Not only that but normally when you buy links you ONLY get the outer plate and rollers not the innner link.

If you have an ongoing requirement for odd size chains then just buy a roll of 20 ft and cut of the bits as you use it perhaps?

They are not designed to be self buildable by adding bits on.

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Or maybe, like Trigger himself, it's the missing link. Who knows...

I'm just glad you said I was like the missing link, and not the bi-sexual ..... :eusa_whistle::)

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You know the missing link is referred to as 'homo-erectus*'. Bisexual would be a compliment in a sort of way.

*or at least I think it is, but there's no fucking way I'm googling that.

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Woo Hoo.

Found a supplier - £1.54 per link

So 4 links (2 rollers and 2 outer side plates per link) will allow the axle to move up to 32mm from it's current position.


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