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Garage Flooring


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Anyone got that interlocking rubber square flooring in their garage?

If so is it worth doing?

Race with it all the time. Useful if you're likely to be moving.

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I put it down to cover the floor of my shed for a bit more insulation and to protect my knees when I work on the bike. It is good, but where the bike is parked has compressed down so that its about 1-2mm thick. That said it's easy to clean and if you drop tools they generally do a slight thud rather than break.

Could be quite pricey to completely cover a garage floor, but I think it might be good for certain areas. Got mine off of Ebay.

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I have what I guess is the same one as Mr Funky.

Been down quite a few years now, it does compress where the bike stands on it, but does seem to return after awhile, makes the garage so much warmer and easier on the knees.

I will upload a photo when photobucket starts playing correctly.

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This appears to be the best photo I can get.

It was at least 18 months old at this point, been abused with oil and stuff, I just wash it every now and then. The whole of my floor is covered, I have a mat in front of the fridge and freezer.


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How does it cope with sidestands etc Monty, or is it paddock stands and other posh stuff in your garage?

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might do this in the garage in the spring.. was going to get carpet but do get the occasional drip (from the old ceiling, not the bikes!)

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This appears to be the best photo I can get.

It was at least 18 months old at this point, been abused with oil and stuff, I just wash it every now and then. The whole of my floor is covered, I have a mat in front of the fridge and freezer.

<image snippage>

That's the stuff!

How does it cope with sidestands etc Monty, or is it paddock stands and other posh stuff in your garage?

I tend to put a block of wood under the sidestand when I have mine on that, but that's more to keep the bike a bit more upright and more room to walk around it than to protect the floor. It would just compress under it, but it's not like the bike will fall over, the mats are only about 20mm thick.

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If you are going to park the bike in the same spot all of the time, then why not replace the rubber square with a bit of chq plate?


Just put a bit of hard plastic under the stand.Like those things you can get for under your stand in the summer on soft tarmac.

Its all about spreading the weight a bit more over the area.

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Sidestands do compress it, but when its moved it returns back to normal after a few days (maybe hours, havent really sat and watched) same with the wheels on the paddock stand and front wheel.

Good thing is that its warm to the touch, so if you are lying on the floor your body heat warms it.

After my sex dungeon is dug its what is going down on the floor.

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