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Suspension Bolt Grade

El Gringo

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Hello all,

Just wondered if one of you knowledgable individuals could give me a pointer or 2.

I'm coming to the point of fitting the swingarm back to my project, the top mounts for the shocks are fine, the bottom ones where they bolt to the swingarm need a bit more thought as to which grade of bolt to use.

THrough the medium of rubbish paint drawings i shall attempt to explain.

The first pic shows how the shock needs to be mounted side by side with the lug on the swingarm.

The swingarm lug has the hole machined in the shape shown and 2 bushes machined to match.


Second picture shows my thought on using a bolt, i would guess with a flanged head, followed by a washer and then a washer in between the shock and the bush mounted in the lug, with another wash and a Nyloc on the back.


A2/A4 Stainless or Ti? I'm guessing theres going to be quite a high sheer force on the bolt in this instance.

What would anyone recommend

Ta in advance


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Possibly Ti but definitely not stainless, A2 and A4 are weaker than a standard 8.8 HT bolt. I always look on the commonly available Ti bolts as just as light as alloy and as strong as 8.8HT steel, if you can get guaranteed stronger stuff then great but I'm inclined to use standard plated 10.9 HT bolts on supension.

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Be careful with 10.9 plated bolts - Hydrogen embrittlement, google it

Can you use a standard fitment bolt? What size is it?

and please don't use stainless or Ti

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Its a bit of an odd one, the lugs on the swingarm have been added to make it twin shock so its not a standard setup.

Do you reckon i'll be ok using the black coated 8.8 steel bolts? If so i think i might have a couple of those somewhere.

Its an M10 hole in the shock and the bushings.

Does this make any sense?

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no, even worse for embrittlement

put a picture up. not very good the bolt being in single shear, asking for trouble really.

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Havent actually got any picture of it together like this.

I realise its not a ideal way of attaching them.

This is the shoulder bolt from the second link

If i could get these in 8.8 maybe?


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Hi Chris.

I've just been having a look at the shock mounts on your swinging arm. Your new shocks have an 'eye' fitting, so you might be better off cutting the mounts off your swing arm, machining new U brackets to suit your shocks and having them welded on. Would save you messing around with spacers.

I think you've already had the best advice as far as bolts go.


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M10 self coloured 8.8 will be plenty strong enough, the bolt being in single shear is pretty crap though.

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Cheers chaps,

Superdunc i presume by self coloured you mean the black ones?

I appreciate that it should have proplerly machined u brackets welded to the swingarm, unfortunately the previous owners swingarm selection means that the point on the arm where they need to be isn't actually under the shock, its offset inwards.

This set up presents itself as a simple solution, though it seems not the best.

Is it going to fall apart and kill/main/disembowel etc etc me??

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Be careful with 10.9 plated bolts - Hydrogen embrittlement, google it

Can you use a standard fitment bolt? What size is it?

and please don't use stainless or Ti

Is there a problem using Ti ?

I know several people using Ti on the suspension

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