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Ducati Clatter


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The Mrs' 748 started making a strange noise when we went away last year, when accelerating away, it gets to a certain revs and makes an awful 'clattery' sort of noise. Only for 500rpm or so but its quite loud. Makes a 'gears trying to engage but not quite' sound if you get what I mean?

It's done 1500+ miles making the noise (started when we set off for Assen :dribble: ) and has got no worse, nor better.

There's no swarf in the oil, the bike does not 'judder' when making the noise. Everything as normal apart from this awful noise.

I took the clutch apart today, only thing odd I spotted was the 'tangs' on the 'fibre' plates were very worn. And the basket was a bit worn to match too.

Could this be the cause? I suspected the plates knocking back and forth with the harmonic imperfection at certain revs, if you could call it that?


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Has it had any work?

Mine had a piston that was just kissing the head, same symptons, was told it was cam but on inspections revealed head kissing, but motor is a 853 big bored 748.

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Does it do this in neutral while being revved. if so leave the clutch drum and plates out and start it to eliminate the clutch. But sounds like clutch to me if the plates are knackered.

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Aly, nah mate untouched bar a service and belts. Bought it off the old man who removed the eprom chip due to it invalidating the insurance! So doubt he'd have done owt to it!

Still racing yours this year?

Chris, that is the answer I'm hoping is right! Easy to sort.. I'll borrow the plates out of a mates 916 at the weekend, see if it still does it. I'm pretty sure it only does it under load..


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Aly, nah mate untouched bar a service and belts. Bought it off the old man who removed the eprom chip due to it invalidating the insurance! So doubt he'd have done owt to it!

Still racing yours this year?

Chris, that is the answer I'm hoping is right! Easy to sort.. I'll borrow the plates out of a mates 916 at the weekend, see if it still does it. I'm pretty sure it only does it under load..



No sold the 996, just 400's for me this year and mainly Roads, 3 Irish, Scarbi and Aberdare, Oulton and Grand will be only circuit stuff I think.

You coming out to play?


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Nah not this year, job's on the brink of going tits up so got to get finances sorted to prepare for the worst!

May race the R1 once I get a job sorted, see forgotten era over 500 is now a pre-injection class any year!


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