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data acquisition integration


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does anyone have any experience with fitting loggers to bikes that use a CANbus? it would be so much easier if i could take data from the bus than have to hard wire everything. is there any interface modules out there to buy and does anyone have any information on the Ducati dda system i beleve that the dda just uses can information.

any help regards CAN communication would be appreciated


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Maybe...what are trying to do? Interface with the Ducati system to extract data? Are you just trying to get out what data is has knowledge of? Or, are you trying to fit a new dda module for additional sensors?

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its a daytona 675 they use can between the ecu and clocks. i want to be able t read and log rpm throttle position pulse width and afr etc

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Unless you're prepared to spend a LOT of time building your own, your only option is to find a canbus logger that has the protocol developed for the Keihin ECU, which is what is used in the 675. AIM make such a device but they don't yet list the Keihin ECU. Have a look here: EVO3 Logger

You might want to contact them and see if they have an update.

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i have just had a look and contacted aim. thanks for the advice. just had a look at your project 95 and im really impressed it would be interesting to apply the same ideas to a moto3 project project 55??

thanks again

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