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Brake lines...


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Just wondering how people route there front brake lines?

I've been messing around with random stainless hoses i have lying around, mocked them up going over the yokes and inside both forks. Seemed like the most logical way, but having looked at a lot of pictures of race bikes they all seem to route them around the outside of the forks. Why is that?

Does it make it easier to remove the wheel? Why aren't all bikes set up like this?



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I have one brake line from my mastercylinder, it curves behind the left fork leg and goes down the back to the brake caliper, then another line over the top to the other caliper.

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its for ease as they can wip the fairings off and fit a full m/c lines and calipers with out much troble,pluss when you take the calliper off they can then be brought right out to inspect and change the pads.

there is a good brake line tip,rout the cable out side the forks,then get some long cable ties,and some rubber/poloyorathane hose just large enough to push the cable tie trough.

firts push the cable tie throuth the tube(cut the tube long enough to miss the bit the line might rub on) then put the cable tie round the fork and push the other end of the cable tie in to the tube,so you will now have the zip end and the inset end poping throuhg,now pop the line in the gap and zip up,nice and tight.

this is my top brake line tip.nice and tight and it sould stay there and keep the line off the yokes,forks and guard done this for years,and once you have done it you will do it all the time :thumbsup:

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I think the ACU demand two full length hoses. Routing is really down to what looks neat and doesn't rub on anything.

I think I can understand what Si means. The rubber tube is used as a spacer between the hose & whatever it is being tied to. Push the cable tie through the rubber tube, around the brake hose, back through the rubber tube, then you can wrap the cable tie around the anchor point & secure. I can probably mock something up and get a photo if anyone wants.


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Wow cheers for the replies people, very informative. On the subject of stuff i never knowed.

When did calipers get moved around to the back of fork legs?


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I think the ACU demand two full length hoses. Routing is really down to what looks neat and doesn't rub on anything.

The ACU say;

For machines with two front brake discs the split of the lines must be made at or above the lower fork.

So a T piece bolted to the bottom yoke is fine, one free floating may not be and you cannot run a line from one caliper to the other.

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Wow cheers for the replies people, very informative. On the subject of stuff i never knowed.

When did calipers get moved around to the back of fork legs?


About 1978 :icon_bounce:

Seem to remember Honda going first but I'm willing to doff my cap to the even older and more anal than I.

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About 1978 :)

Seem to remember Honda going first but I'm willing to doff my cap to the even older and more anal than I.

1977 looking at this


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