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Brake drag...


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Having not been out on the bike for several weeks, I've taken this opportunity to get some basic maintenance done, the last of which was stripping down the callipers, cleaning and regressing them.

However, I took the bike out yesterday for a fiddle and noticed that when rolling it around it was distinctly more difficult as it seemed the front brake was dragging slightly.

I suspect that this'll sort itself out once I've been out on it and given them a firm application, but since that won't be for a while I was hoping you guys could put me at ease?

Am I right? Or did I do something wrong when putting them back together and need to start again?

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Sticky pistons on the seals maybe. Make sure that the dust seals (it's 99% of the time only the dust seals) aren't all chewed up, other than that, I'd just say go out and use 'em

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Cheers mate. I doubt it's the seals as I made sure they were moving freely after I greased them, but I'll definitely check before I head out and give them a good pasting. Hopefully then just need to grind down to the disc again.

Thanks again.

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Of coarse if they are binding and you ride it with a "good pasting" you could warp the disc. So have another look over the calipers, lift the wheel and check it spins freely.

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If you pushed the pistons back without taking the cap off the master cylinder, that can cause the brakes to bind. The last thing you want is to be tearing down a road, with the brakes dragging (and thereby heating the pads, discs, fluid and any air trapped in the system- heat causes expansion) and then suddenly grabbing and sticking on.

Surely it's worth an hour of your time and a fiver for some new fluid? :dribble:

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I know what u mean. The cap was off, the system was bled about 5 weeks ago and hasn't been ridden since. The callipers were taken appart and cleaned last week, after which they were fine, the pads/pins were greased a few days later when I got some new grease. It hasn't been ridden since and Ive only noticed this since taking it out the shed the other day when I took it out to check some things.

As I said, I'll check them over before taking it out on t'road and re strip them if need be.

Cheers for all the advice boys.

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£1.32??? He's 'aving a larf.

£1.10. ...and I'm cutting me own froat, and doing you a favour me old mucker.

Can I collect it tomorrow? :ph34r:

83p and that's my final offer...

....wait, what were we talking about again?

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