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Not a bike related really.

I'm rebuilding a Landrover 90 for my sisters 21st (she was 24 in July but we'll gloss over that)

I want to get an idea of how much it will cost to get someone to blow the paint on it.

I was going to do it myself at a mates farm but it's far too cold now.

All the prep is done and the paint is bought (2k flat colour). So I just need someone to lay it on.

It's all separate panels i.e. not bolted to the chassis.

What do you reckon?

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buy a space heater, its cheaper, get one that burns kero, looks like a mini jet engine! use the money you save to buy kero, and stay warm whilst painting. paying someone to do a job you can do is like buying a dog and barking yourself!

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buy a space heater, its cheaper, get one that burns kero, looks like a mini jet engine! use the money you save to buy kero, and stay warm whilst painting. paying someone to do a job you can do is like buying a dog and barking yourself!

Would do but it's pretty much an open sided building and I reckon heating it and getting the panels up to temperature.

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