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SRAD clutch release - broke nipple lug


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the attachment that the clutch cable nipple fits to, engine side has broke. (holding lugs all snapped). The bike is a 1996 gsxr 750 wt. I get the impression from the drawings (see www.alpha-sports.com) that the assyembly change in '98 and therefore only a 96/97 unit will do. Does this sound correct or does anyone know differently, will any year fit?

I am only asking as there is a cheap 1998 cover going on ebay. or i might just get a brand new shiney unit (£35).

Also just for piece of mind. Can the clutch push rod be pushed in by hand or does it require more force / torque, i.e lever action to overcome the clutch springs. I am hoping it cannot and it was just a rusted bracket that has broke and not a jammed clutch that caused it to. Stupid question as i am sure it cannot but would just like somebody elses optinion

Pic below i hope


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It looks exactly like my 97 600 one and THIS appears to confirm it.

You wont be able to push the rod through the engine by hand btw and I think the failure (like mine recently) is due purely to corrosion/metal fatigue.


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Not too sure about the age thing but this is exactly what happened to me at cadwell in august, causing me to panic a bit, go over the grass, then fall off into some mud, for comedy effect. I didn't know they changed with age (that's if they do), but I fitted one off a 600 to my early 750 and it fits perfectly. The rod itself is too firm to push in with your fingers, maybe if you've got something hard to push against it (stop sniggering at the back!) it might go in, so i wouldn't worry. Remember, it only has to be pushed in about 7 or 8mm, not much, so don't go forcing it. I cleaned the shaft (You at the back, I told you before!), lubed it up a bit (right, any more and I'm going to stop), and also fitted a new cable and the whole thing is much easier to squeeze (OK, I've had enough of this).

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they changed the way the cluch pin was pushed in,so all are inter changable, the later type are better and smother to the hand, so no problem there.as for the breakage this is a comon problem as if not looked after they will rot and break up, so keep an eye on this,word of warning if you ever take one of these to peices ,you will strugle to put it back togather,as it works on a ball bearing screw arangment ,and as soon as you let the asembley fall out, all the balls will drop out ,and are a night mear to get back in!

this thred has far meny to inuendoes!!!!

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You will struggle to put it back together,as it works on a ball bearing screw arrangement ,and as soon as you let the assembly fall out, all the balls will drop out and are a nightmare to get back in!

^^^ THIS ^^^ is true...ask me how I know..!!


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is it a worm drive type thing on these gsxr's then? I have that on the SV, and it requires semi *giggle*-regular adjustment and cleaning else it goes stiff *snigger*

It's a funny thing that gets pulled by the cable so it pivots round its centre. The push rod sits in this centre. The middle of the actuator is obviously on a small spiral, as it goes through its quarter of a turn or so, it moves outwards by about 7mm, pushing the rod inwards. It's pretty simple but it also strikes me that the bit the cab;e hooks into is pretty flimsy, in 2 places it's about 3 or 4mm thick and it's only cheap pressed steel.

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