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Ultrasonic parts cleaners


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Has anyone used/heard of these new ultrasonic parts cleaners ?,thinking this might be a useful/efficient way to clean/degrease shock and fork parts which I do on a daily basis.

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I have one, cost about £300 and is the nuts, don't know about the cheap ones, and the solution you use is critical to performance.

Tell me more, im wanting to get one for carb cleaning but totally clueless as to how good a quality one i need and the solution needed.

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I have one, cost about £300 and is the nuts, don't know about the cheap ones, and the solution you use is critical to performance.


I got one for £60 on ebay from China.( check them all out, the one above is $98, with $35 postage. They have another at $110 plus $55 postage that ends an hour after this one!) It looks the same as others at 4-5 times the price, and also has a heater, which improves its efficiency. Agree that solution is important for cleaning. Be aware that most are for smaller items, say @ house brick sized tank. You can get bigger ones, but cost rises drastically. We had one at work for laparoscopic instruments which was 350mm long, it all depend on your needs.

As a bonus, you can tell your Dorris it will clean her jewellery and watch - if its waterproof- but DON'T use it for pearls, they will disintegrate, as will your conjugal rights! :thumbsup:

go to http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/BonnevilleOwnersClub/ go to photos, click forward to page 6, and you will see my file, Ewan.., which has a couple of before and after shots of some parts I cleaned.

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buy the best you can afford - the quality is in the transducer ( Ive recently bought one from Pi-kem for work). Always use a cage - sticking it in the bath and resting it on the bottom damps the transducers and it won't work well/at all.

don't use washing up liquid but a decent surfactant/degreaser meant for ultra sonic baths and ally (not forgetting to rinse and dry after else things go rusty real quick)

e.g. rs cleaner

if the bath has a heater, give it a pop (60 odd degrees is what ours is set to)

de-gas the water by running the bath for a bit. This improves the cavitation and hence cleaning


oh yeah - test that it works by using a strip of foil. If you stick a bit of ally foil in the bath you'll notice it gets perforated pretty quickly - thats the bath working. I wouldn't leave ally parts in for too long, but rather find a cleaner/degreaser that is suitable for ally.

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  • 6 months later...

sorry to unearth this old thread, but iv been given one by an engine tuning mate as the heater element is shagged. it is an expensive one, langston or summat? anyway it has 3 transducers, and i have bough some fluid form mistral cleaning products, specifically the engine/carb cleaner.

question is, is it important to use the heater, remember mine is broken, and the instructions that come with the fluid recommend i set the heater to 80 degrees. will it still clean if the waters is at room temp?.....

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i'm guessing that its a chemicle reaction taking place and the ultra sonic bit loosens anything that should come away, if thats the case then it will work only slower, heat helps in chemical reactions (to different levels). what kind of heater is it? could you heat the solution anotherway then add to the cleaner afterwards to give it a bit of a headstart? wonder if you can get spares?

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I have a couple of baths, a little unheated one and a big one.

The big one has a fault where it just keeps on heating - I think there is a damaged relay or something on the board, I really need to get it apart.

I had a colleaugue look at the thermocouple but it's seems ok.

The little one has been used to clean up bolts for the SRAD build, it does an ok job.

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the heater helps degass the fluid which in turns improves the efficiency of the process.If your heaters broke (they all seem to break - Ive three baths at work and no bloody heater does what it says!) just leave it in for longer until it looks clean. Jobs a good 'un!

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I use a home made one, big plastic tub with an old sander bungied to it( sandpaper removed), heavy duty degreaseing fluid, hot water and jobs a good'un

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we have one at work it has two large cleaning tanks with spargers!!! i stick in cylinder heads, radiators, anything i need to clean. the heat is useful as it helps break down the grease as well.

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so, if given the thing a few runs, with the chemical from mistral, and im wholly unimpressed. certainly no cleaner than i could get with a tooth brush and a good scrub in muc-off. and considering you are recommended to scrub it after the clean to remove any cleaning fluid deposits, i cant see the point.

i even emptied the fluid into a couple of containers and microwaved them to get them 'kin hot and tried again, no better, just slower.

what am i doing wrong?

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You plugged it in?


try a bit of aluminium foil in it - leave it on for a while and if it starts to perforate then its working. if not then the transducers may have fallen away from the bath (which is common on cheap uns and expensive alike!). Oh and always use a cage rather than leaving your bits on the bottom.

(they don't make things really shiny but they are good for getting dirt out of other wise unreachable places like jets and the like. Don't expect things to look a lot different beyond 'degreased')

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ok. i know the transducers are still bonded in place from looking inside to see if i could get the heater working so its not that. and although i dont have a cage i am hanging/suspending the items so they dont touch the sides or the base.

and now the bloody thing has completely stopped working! checked the fuse, its not that. so now i gotta find summat big enough to drain the fluid into as i want to keep it as i have been reliably informed it seems to work better when its a bit murky.

another look inside methinks....

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