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USD Fork repairs


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Just unwrapped a set of Gixer 1100 USD forks I had in long term storage in my shed and found a spot of rust on the Chrome plated part - not sure the correct term for this bit on a USD Fork!!! but the slider part that goes through the Seal.

Can these be repaired and any recommendations of where ??

They are part of my new front end going on my Harris - or perhaps not now!!!!



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If its not too badly rusted, use some fine wet/dry paper and rub off the rust mark. It will be ok if not too badly rusted/pitted. (if you are changing fork seals, use genuine parts, as they have slightly more material on them and fit "more snug/tight" to slider, and will therefore take up any small defects.

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got some info on another forum who suggested: HCP&G (Hard chrome plating and grinding) at newark.

Close to home so I'll give them a try and see how it goes.



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got some info on another forum who suggested: HCP&G (Hard chrome plating and grinding) at newark.

Close to home so I'll give them a try and see how it goes.



I've got some sliders, that were in a really poor state, being chromed at A J Calladine's, not far from Newark.

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