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TZR 250 3XV


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Coolant leak sorted.

Took it for a quick 10 mile run, it was 2*c here so I wasnt up for going far.

Fantastic improvement with the porting, it pulls a lot harder in the mid-range now, and instead of signing off at 10,000RPM it now hammers all the way through to the redline pulling strongly. I was always aware of how strangled these were with the standard porting, but it really shows now.

Plan is to get a few hundred miles on it, keeping a close eye on it. Then a set of Martin Johnsons spannies for even more go.


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What sort of run in procedure were you using? Different due to using the old pistons?

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What sort of run in procedure were you using? Different due to using the old pistons?
Nah. 2 heat cycles, then blast away as normal. The only thing Im doing different is not holding it at high revs, Im making sure the revs are varying. Im not really running it in as such, 'keeping an eye on it' refers to the fact its been completely in bits and so Im just making sure its not leaking fluids or has any untoward noises etc. It touched the redline a few times when I first ran it on the road the other day. Grin inducing!
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I NEED to ride a 2 stroke soon!

Never been on one, what a dork I am.

But a buddy up the road has an RD 350, I will bag a ride on that fucker one day.

SHould be nowhere as cool as any proper sport 250.

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brilliant read....

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  • 3 weeks later...

50 miles today and its going like a good'un.

It revs so much more urgently I keep having to rein myself in from constantly burying the needle in the redline. Still a little bit more running in to do.

Remember this -

Thank you for the kind words.

Can someone with some fuelling knowledge try and diagnose something for me?

I cleaned the carbs out with my ultrasonic cleaner, carb cleaner and compressor. All settings/jets etc are all as per the factory manual. Carbs are minty mint.

Im WOT pulling hard in top gear 80MPH+ say, I roll off for maybe 2 seconds because I think I see a hazard up ahead.

When I roll back onto WOT Its slightly bogging for a couple of seconds, like its not getting enough fuel, before it starts pulling hard again. I thought it was siezing the first time it did it.

Ive had an actual bike mechanic look over it for me (he was brought up on LC's). He says he's played with the float heights and that it should be sorted now., but its still not 100%.

Any ideas anyone? Should I try lifting the needle a notch?

It seems to be completely cured now, I can't even manipulate it into doing it.

I havent changed any settings either so I wonder if it was related to the old crank or crank seals somehow?

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Everyone likes pictures dont they?



New back tyre today, went for a BT090 again. Its an old tyre now compared to whats on offer but I cannot fault them for grip and the way they wear. I think they are quite popular with the 250/400cc crowd.

Gave it a good wash, polish, grease and oil up. Went over the whole chassis again with the torque wrench for peace of mind too.

Its the 2nd January, Im all ready for the long hot summer of 2014. Which it will be :biggrinvk4:

Im looking at it at wondering how it would fare with a trip over the Pyranees this year. Im dying to do another Euro tour but Im not really in a position to be buying another bike at the moment, and anyone who has done the North of Spain knows the roads are made for small cc bikes.

Whats the worst that could happen :D:eusa_think:

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  • 2 weeks later...

...trip over the Pyranees this year. Im dying to do another Euro tour but Im not really in a position to be buying another bike at the moment....




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It would seem the trusty old Honda is getting a frosty reception!?

Here, have some Martin Johnson spannies instead :rock: -


Need to have them welded up so dont expect any updates any time soon!

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I just hope you "bring her up to temperature" without the mufflers..............I do this from time to time so the people who live on my block dont complain about my 150mm mufflers

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just hope you "bring her up to temperature" without the mufflers..............I do this from time to time so the people who live on my block dont complain about my 150mm mufflers

This is very very likely!

Small (tiny) update.


Got this 4 degree advance flywheel key off Wullie McKie on the TZR forum, no idea if he's a member on here but big thanks to him.

On his bike (set up almost the same as mine), on the dyno it was worth 2 - 2.5BHP right through the rev range at the expense of a couple of hundred RPM near the redline.

Thats something I can live with and it'll be good for the crank and rods. Still need to look at getting the pipes welded up and then having some fun setting it all up.

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10am dawns, 5 degrees outside, lovely and sunny.

I'll take the freshly serviced and tyred CBR600 for a quick shakedown blast I thinks. Fired it up, warming up on the drive. It starts idling eratically, until it stalls. I get it restarted but it gets progressivly worse until it wont start at all.

Fuel problem somewhere. It has a full tank, tap is on. Fucking Honda reliabilty my arse.

So I take the TZR out with its freshly fitted 4* advance timing key. Not yet fitted the spannies.

I absolutely love this bike, the way it revs now and fires itself out of the corners. It has much more torque from 6K RPM onwards with a good bit of extra shove at 9K RPM. Its like a different bike. Cant wait to try it with the spannies.

Very, very chuffed. And fuck you Honda!

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  • 1 month later...

Took it out for an early morning blast, got 20miles and turned around, I wrapped up well but it was still fucking freezing. A lot of snow still on the higher fells around here.

However, on my personal private road it saw north of 120MPH on the speedo for the first time. Didnt blow to bits or anything!

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Ah that takes me back nearly 10 months, decided to rego and ride the 3xv to work................still had summer track jetting, about the time through a fast corner (back one gear and keep it pinned) the rear came around on me and even at my 'older years' I had that clutch in quicker than hearing no foreplay, its jolly good fun

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  • 3 months later...

Not much been happening with this really, since buying a pushbike the motorbikes have hardly been getting a look in :)

However I took it out last weekend with my brother and we swapped bikes for a bit. Ive never heard what the bike sounds like apart from riding it so I got my brother to do a couple of flypast runs as I stood an watched from the roadside.

Fuck. Me. Its loud.

Like very antisocially loud. Its suprising how quiet a bike is when your sitting in front of the exhaust outlets. He turned round in the distance and did a standing start where the road goes through like a tunnel of trees. It sounded pretty much how I'd expect a grid full of GP250's to sound, as they leave the starting line. The noise echo'ed and reverbarated through the trees. It sounded epic :D

This is on standard spannies with NK carbon stingers. Im quite concerned about how loud it will be with the unbaffled Martin Johnson spannies on when I get round to having them welded up, as Im not particularly a fan of loud exhausts.

Other than that its going like a good'un, Im still in awe at its new found torque and power since I had it ported. It sounds daft but it made my brothers old 1996 CBR600 feel weak as piss in the mid-range, the TZR engine felt way more flexible, until the CBR really started making it power at the top of its rev range that is.

If you were just wanting to potter about, without changing gear much I can honesetly say the TZR would be an easier motor to live with, its a grunty little thing now for a 2T, with a lovely top end rush.

Awaits the 1000cc boys to correct me on the term 'grunty' haha...

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  • 3 months later...

4 years Ive had this now. Ive never kept anything that long, or put as much time and money into anything else.

Having had a look back through the thread, its quite obvious it was a bit of a dog when I bought it. I didn't really see that at the time. Ive now roughly got it to where I want it though. Although Ive spent plenty on it, it was all my own doing, its never let me down or stranded once.

Unreliable 2 strokes my arse!

Heres to the next 4 :icon_salut:

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  • 4 months later...

Pipes -


These are not the same ones I had bought originally, I had come to the conclusion that I was never going to get the time to get them welded so when these appeared on ebay this week I snapped them up. They are exactly the same pipe, just already welded.

The fit is actually quite good although one side is fouling the belly pan a bit, nothing that a bit of trimming and heat relflective tape wont sort out.




My next door neighbour is a welder (he was going to do my original pipes), he came over and had a bit of a laugh at the welding on them but I actually quite like the roughness of them. As long as they perform well I couldnt care less.

Unsure what to do with them yet, they should be painted but I quite like the oiled bare look.

They sound lovely and tinny too, a quick, badly executed video for your pleasure -


EDIT - They are also 5.1KG lighter. Bonus!

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