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TZR 250 3XV


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I'd like to think it would run to 120mph on a good day. Maybe that's a wee bit optimistic.

Lol, I'd say its quite optimistic with a standard engine.

Mine pulls really well until about 10,000RPM, then you can really feel it tail off after that upto the 12,000RPM red-line. The standard exhausts on these are supposed to be stupidly restrictive.

Forgot to add, Ive put a 7mm spacer on top of the rear shock, and dropped the forks about 6mm. I dont know whether Ive gone too far with this, or Ive done up the steering head bearings too tight but there is definately something needing looked at. Its like riding on a knife-edge at slow speed, impossibly to keep in a straight line and constantly having to turn left and right to correct yourself. Seems ok at higher speed though.

Anyone got any ideas?


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Forgot to add, Ive put a 7mm spacer on top of the rear shock, and dropped the forks about 6mm. I dont know whether Ive gone too far with this, or Ive done up the steering head bearings too tight but there is definately something needing looked at. Its like riding on a knife-edge at slow speed, impossibly to keep in a straight line and constantly having to turn left and right to correct yourself. Seems ok at higher speed though.

I'd be looking at the head bearings, they only really need to be just tight enough to remove any play. Also, try backing the steering damper off to the minimum setting.

Sounds good on the video! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update.

Covered around 60miles hard miles today (hartside pass for the northeners) and it still hasnt blown itself to smithereens. Thats it really.

Removed the spacer from the rear shock to see if it would cure the slow speed wobbling (less than 15MPH). It hasnt. The steering damper seals are nackered though its leaking oil over my bodywork, so I'll have the damper off next and see if that sorts it.

Front end feels great though, nice and planted. Ive set the front static sag to around 25mm.

The back however still doesnt feel right. Today I got completely rid of my chicken strips, but at full lean it feels almost as if the rear tyre is flat. It has 34PSI in it, and a static sag of around 7mm.

Any ideas anyone?



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  • 3 weeks later...

'bout time I updated this.

Anyone remember the low speed handling issue I was having? Turned out to be the steering damper, even on its lowest setting it was still too stiff. It was pissing oil out of the seals aswell, so I removed it and its cured it. Happy days.

Still not happy with the back end though. The best way I can describe it is occasionally when cornering hard it 'feels' as if the back tyre is flat and is pulling off the rim. The second time it did it, I could actually feel it slide,grip,slide,grip,slide,grip, probably all in the space of about 6 inches, almost like a judder if you imagine, but I could feel it very well. This was all happening at less than 30MPH on a sharp corner.

I dropped the rear tyre pressure to 32PSI, and took it for a hard blast on Sunday when it was really warm, it was better, and didnt move all day, but I still feel that the suspension could be improved. I would love to have it professionally set-up but there is nowhere around here that does it.

Anyhoo, here are some pictures of my top end re-build I did on it -

Top Cylinder





Bottom Cylinder







I have done 255 miles since the re-build and its sweet, noticably perkier too. I also ditched the carb heating circuit at the same time, installed new plugs, new coolant and new transmission oil.

Oh, and I cannot reccommend the dishwasher enough for cleaning engine parts. Worked wonders on the barrels.


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I think i would be murdered if i put my barrels in the dishwasher, but i have heard good things about the process. ive wanted to put my crankcases in there so that i finally have a clean race engine instead of the grubby thing that i currently have.

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  • 1 month later...

Its been a while I suppose...

Purchased a full cush-drive rubber set (68 f*cking quid!) to see if it sorts the bit of sloppyness the drive/gearchange has.

Old -


New -


0.71 of a mm might not seem a lot, but over 5 cushdrives that made for a lot of slack, I could rock the sprocket back and forth a fair amount. The old rubbers fell out of the wheel, the new ones had to be forcibly pushed in once I'd lubed them up with red rubber grease. The sprocket is solid now :eusa_think:

Bad weather means I wont be able to test them out today unfortunately, but I will report back.

I have almost got myself a full spare set of bodywork now, Im only missing the fairing V piece and the headlamp cowl. Ive been using electrolysis on the new tank (mild surface rust inside), and finished it off with POR15 fuel tank cleaner + sealer. I cannot reccommend this stuff enough, the inside of the tank has come up almost as new.

Its going to be getting done in these colours (plus white wheels, I LOVES white wheels) -


Ive also done over 1000miles on the rebuilt pistons etc and all is well. Who said these things are unreliable...*touches wood*?


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They do look nice with white wheels for sure :icon_blackeye:


:icon_salut: *Swoon* :lol:

Another past yamaha of mine with white wheels -


I think white wheels are a bit love/hate for people?

You not get out much on your 3XV TDB?

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Had a lot going on this year and have hardly been out on the road at all but aiming to change that very soon. Got 2 race meetings the next 2 weekends but hopefully after that I should be out and about pretty regularly. Plan is to get both the R1 & 3xv on the road this summer. I'm Absolutely gagging to get the 3xv to Cadwell this year.

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Tested my new cush-drive rubbers out today and what can I say, the difference is beyond belief. I mean, you probably wont quite believe me, but it really is night and day.

The best I can describe it is you know sometimes when you select a gear and the lever doesnt feel like its quite fully selected it properly, and you give it another nudge just to check? My TZR was like that every time.

There is absolutely non of this now, the lever is so positive its unbelievable. I had visions of the gearbox being worn out and all sorts, but nope it was just the cush-drives.

Isnt it wierd how a modification to the back wheel can affect what you feel at your foot?

I am well, well chuffed, and I think this is my new favourite modification/improvement to the bike.

Seriously, if your bike is getting on (the TZR is 20 this year), replace the cush-drives. You'll love the difference.


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  • 2 months later...

Total miles done so far since the top-end refresh - 1543. And no problems whatsoever, the little TZR still continues to suprise. I can honestly say this is probably my favorite bike Ive ever owned.

Anyhoo, just for a little whoreage, here it is with its second set of panels on, getting it ready for its respray later on this year. Wheels are also going to be powdercoated white. Single seat unit is from japan. Tank is an ebay bargain, it was advertised for the wrong bike. Cleaned it up with electrolysis and the POR15 tank kit and its now mint.




Brand new genuine Yamaha V-piece -


New decals -


You may notice that the headlamp cowl is the same original one, this is the only fairing piece which I cannot for love nor money find a second one to respray. If anyone knows the whereabouts of one in decent condition please let me know.



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I dropped the rear tyre pressure to 32PSI, and took it for a hard blast on Sunday when it was really warm, it was better, and didnt move all day, but I still feel that the suspension could be improved.

You could try dropping it another couple of psi. The SZR660 pressures are 28 front and 32 rear, and that bike's a wedge heavier than yours but makes around the same power. I use 28 and 30 on my SZR. It's just something free that you can try before you chuck money at the springy bits :)

I love 3XVs :wub:

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You could try dropping it another couple of psi. The SZR660 pressures are 28 front and 32 rear, and that bike's a wedge heavier than yours but makes around the same power. I use 28 and 30 on my SZR. It's just something free that you can try before you chuck money at the springy bits :)

I love 3XVs :wub:

Will give that a try, thanks.

TBH, the bike doesnt feel to bad now. I think part of the problem was I was starting to run off the edge of the rear tyre, it isnt difficult to do on these bikes.

Ive adjusted my riding to suit, and all seems to be ok. I still know a good fettle by someone who actually knows what they are doing with suspension would be very beneficial.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Exhausts have been repainted, what a bitch of a job. And a general clean/degrease/polish.

Was supposed to have the tank, tailpeice and mudguard back from the painter this week. Not looking likely now is it :angry:

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Coming along -




Just the nosecone and fairings to do now.

Imminent first time house purchase means this probably isnt going to get any attention for a while though :(

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  • 1 month later...

Good thing is, it doesn´t take up a lot of space so you can neatly tug it away and think of the joy the moment life decides you have some time to spare to lick it again :thumbsup:

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Coming along nicely that :thumbsup:

Be very interested to know where you got that single seat unit form. Looks the dogs :D

Single seat unit was from Japan and cost a small fortune by the time I had been stung with import duty etc.

Does look cool though!

I also now have a spare nosecone for spraying, got it from a bloke in South Africa. So I still have the complete original set now.

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  • 1 month later...

any more updates on the 3xv?

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any more updates on the 3xv?

Unfortunately not. Renovating my first house at the minute so the TZR is on the back burner. I'm hoping to get the paintwork finished at some point soon, but I doubt it will turn a wheel in anger at any time in the near future.

Im going to try and concentrate on the R1 a bit more this year too.


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Coming along nicely that :thumbsup:

You should see a nice one next year, Dan Williams (current DP F250 champion on an NSR250 and owner of Gecko Imports) is putting a 3XV togeather for next season. He reckons he's not going to fit ANY TZ parts.....TZR250 3XV parts only.....

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Coming along nicely that :thumbsup:

You should see a nice one next year, Dan Williams (current DP F250 champion on an NSR250 and owner of Gecko Imports) is putting a 3XV togeather for next season. He reckons he's not going to fit ANY TZ parts.....TZR250 3XV parts only.....

I'll look forward to it :thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...

Took the TZR out for a little run today, it hasnt been out since the end of last summer.

All was going so well until I ran out of fuel. I put a TZ fuel tap on it last year which is just on/off, no reserve function on it. D'oh :biggrinvk4:

Luckily there was a little bungalow nearby which I knocked on, in the hope they maybe had a little bit of fuel lying about. Unluckily for me it was occupied by an old lady, in her 80's I would say and completely spaced out with dementia or something. I gave up trying to explain my problem in the end. As I was only about 3 miles from home, I tipped the bike to one side and managed to get another half mile or so out of it before it conked for good. My step-dad saved me in the end.


A TZR, today, with no fuel. Demented old lady just out of shot

Having not ridden it in such a long time, points I noted to myself -

Its slow in modern performance terms. But it makes slow fun. The R1 has spoiled me.

How quick does it steer!?

How light is it!?

The new front EBC discs and HH pads combo are savage on such a light bike. I had the front tyre chirping over the rough tarmac practising 2 finger hard braking from 80MPH. Im hoping as the new pads and discs bed in it may take some of the initial bite away. I didnt dare practise again.

It feels really old. I think it just needs a good service, most of the cables are stiff as buggery.

Its still my fave bike.

Thats all for now.

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  • 1 month later...

Pic whore ahoy

Got the nosecone back from the painters, just the side panels to have done now when I get around to it




Apologies for the shit camera phone pics.

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she's comming along well, i hope you have your strech jeans & basket ball boots ready

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  • 9 months later...

A picture. For no other reason other that to bring this back onto page 1 :icon_bounce:


And yes, for all you haters, its living in my (unfinished) conservatory.

Its now tax'ed, mot'd and insured. Something it hasnt been for the last 18 months or so.

You may notice it has all the old bodywork back on. I became too precious of it with all the new resprayed stuff on it, so Ive put it all in the loft and I'll be running it like this this year. I actually think the black and white goes quite well.

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