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Gasket sealant stuff

Harry Muff

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What ho.

Need to pop the generator cover off to seal up a rubber grommet/flange or whatever it's called where the cable comes out from the stator itself. It's been slowly leaking for ages and I've decided to sort it.

Turns out there's no gasket on the engine cover and I'm supposed to use a sealant to out it back. Not to mention the rubber seal thingy too.

However, I've just been looking at Loctite sealants and there are fucking millions of them, so I'm not sure which one is right for the job.

I'm thinking this one is the one: Loctite 5699

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your friendly neighbourhood Muff.


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I'm pretty sure it's the second one now. It states that it's for engine covers. I'll just smother the rubber bit too to create a nice seal.

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I've used 5922 to good effect on clutch covers, thermo housings on cars and all sort of stuff.

I only bought it because it's called flange sealer and made me snigger .....

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