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R&G fairing protectors


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Just fitted some to my bike, had to drill big holes in the fairing!

I've been wary of doing this for some time as I don't have much patience and I'm not a very accurate person with do it yourself stuff, near enough is good enough for me. The instructions were a bit vague but I followed them with some help from bits and bobs from the gook shed. Bolting up the main tie bars I slid the fairings on and popped the bobbins on to find them a bit tight against the fairing panels. Some time spent with a cone shaped abrasive thing in a drill sorted out the clearance and it all went back together very well.

It's not as much of a scary job as it seems!

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Just fitted some to my bike, had to drill big holes in the fairing!

I've been wary of doing this for some time as I don't have much patience and I'm not a very accurate person with do it yourself stuff, near enough is good enough for me. The instructions were a bit vague but I followed them with some help from bits and bobs from the gook shed. Bolting up the main tie bars I slid the fairings on and popped the bobbins on to find them a bit tight against the fairing panels. Some time spent with a cone shaped abrasive thing in a drill sorted out the clearance and it all went back together very well.

It's not as much of a scary job as it seems!

Until you try doing it to your missus` R6 with her stood behind you going "I CAN`T WATCH!!" or "WAIT!! YOU HAVE DOUBLE CHECKED WHERE YOU`RE CUTTING....HOLD ON!!! ARE YOU SURE THATS WHERE THE BOLT HEAD WAS?"

Shut the fuck up whilst I`m trying to concentrate.... Remember,this is your bike, not mine.. :eusa_wall:

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It took me a few hours, I had to make sure nobody would interrupt and ruin my laughable attention span. Having the Mrs in the same grid square would've ruined it, congratulations to you Rob, I couldn't have done mine with someone watching!

But then I'm like that with weeing too.

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But then I'm like that with weeing too.

Oohhh ohhhh me too!!!

I fucking hate standing at the urinals, especially if someone you know is in there and they try and strike up a converation?? NOOOOOOO FUCK OFF!!!!! I CAN`T FUCKING DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Maybe its some wierd physcological thing brought on by being dropped as a baby or something...I dunno.. But either way, don`t talk to me whist I`m pissing.

How the fuck did we start talking about urination?


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Oh, you mean this

Fitting RG's is a piece of piss in comparison :wtfmore:

I wouldn`t say I`m in urgent need of a catheter, it just puts me right out me stride if some fucker starts talking... ;)

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Yes! Although i don't care now and am nearly always happy to wee freely almost anywhere in public although sometimes i still have to think about a running tap to start me off.

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