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NC29 Sprocket Sizes


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Needing a new chain and sprocket for the NC29, the only things i can find on the internet are 15F, 39R... But! alot of people have changed there's for various reasons.

So is it best to go out and count all the teeth on my sprocket so that i don't mess up my speedo by getting a standard one if it has an aftermarket size on?

But saying that... if it had my speedo would be incorrect? There is no way to alter the speedo reading is there? :eusa_think:



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Not 100% sure but I thought the speedo on an NC29 was cable driven from the front wheel. If so then changing the final drive gearing won't affect the speedo reading. If it is an electronic one with a front sproket sensor then the gearing will be affected; if you gear the bike down then it will over-read and vice versa. Just for reference, according to Staniforths the standard sprocket sizes are 15-39 on standard gearing and use a 525x106 chain. Hope this helps, Ben.

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,according to Staniforths the standard sprocket sizes are 15-39 on standard gearing and use a 525x106 chain. Hope this helps, Ben.

Noted. Thanks for the help! :):thumbsup:

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when i used to have a nc29 i used AFAM for my sprockets, I'm pretty sure bike torque racing are the importers and they were able to provide a range of sizes, they're pretty helpful. With regards to the speedo, the pick up for it is off the front sprocket so you'd need a speedo healer but they are pricey for what they do. I just used to work out the ratio difference and then that gives a percentage increase. From there its pretty easy to work out how far out it will be.

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speedo is off the front sprocket on the NC23 so i expect the same for the 29.

common mod is to put a 14 on the front as it does make a difference, speedo wont be that far out, another 10% was how i roughly worked it out

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See if somebody who know has a sat nav you can borrow. Stick it to the tank (clear bag and a load of gaffer will stop them getting pissed off when the sucker comes off) and see how accurate your speedo is at the moment. i bet it's under reading a bit anyway, if you're on stock gearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, instead of starting a new topic i thought id just bump my old one, Gonna order a new chain and sprocket in the week at somepoint, B&C Express arn't too expensive for renthal sprockets and tsubaki O-Ring chain...

Anyone got any recommendations on a good place to get 'em?

Cheeers! :unsure::icon_blackeye:

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Right, instead of starting a new topic i thought id just bump my old one, Gonna order a new chain and sprocket in the week at somepoint, B&C Express arn't too expensive for renthal sprockets and tsubaki O-Ring chain...

Anyone got any recommendations on a good place to get 'em?

Cheeers! :pb2::tacheemoticonwh7:

Have you thought about, erm, B&C express? I'm sure that I read somewhere that the renthal sprockets and Tsubaki chain weren't too expensive from them. Incidentally, they do renthal chains there too, anybody tried them? Any good? They're about £20 cheaper than the equivalent Tsubaki.

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Have you thought about, erm, B&C express? I'm sure that I read somewhere that the renthal sprockets and Tsubaki chain weren't too expensive from them. Incidentally, they do renthal chains there too, anybody tried them? Any good? They're about £20 cheaper than the equivalent Tsubaki.

Yeah B&C Only have Tsubaki chains for the NC29 :D But...

according to Staniforths the standard sprocket sizes are 15-39 on standard gearing and use a 525x106 chain. Hope this helps, Ben.

The Tsubaki chain that they sell is size 525x102! What does the 102 part mean? ;)

525AP-102: Tsubaki 525 Alpha O Ring

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yeah, from memory, with the 106 chain the back wheel was quite far back in the adjusters even when the chain was new.... i don't think it was 4 links worth tho. safer to order the 106 and cut it down of its to long.

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It refers to the pitch, the distance between the chain rollers. Try Bike torque racing for a chain.. Have you phoned bc and asked them for a 106 or are you just going by the listings online? When i used to work for busters/M+P we used to cut down chains for people if we didn't have the correct size in stock... I'd give them a call.

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4 links is a long way. Each link is almost an inch long, so 4 links is probably about 3". I bought a chain last year that was wrongly supplied with 2 links missing and it wouldn't go on, in comparison the correct chain put the adjusters about a third of the way in from the front, so it wasn't as if it was an especially tight fit in the first place.

To be honest, as big a pain in the ass as it is, I'd get your bike on a paddock stand, a blob of tippex on the chain at a certain point, and I'd count the links and also the teeth on the sprockets. That way you know what you've got and you can make your judgements about if you want to down gear etc based on how the bike feels at the moment.

The 525 bit is a sort of coded bit which'll say how long the gap between links is and how wide each link is. You can get a lighter chain, a 520, and it'll sap less power than spinning round a 525, but the life of the chain'll be lessened. On a day to day bike, I wouldn't bother, the difference I don't think would be especially noticable.

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