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Although, to be fair, the OP only added that, grudgingly and with a "wavy made me do it" whinge, after I pointed out there was no description of what had been posted...

I don't find death to be particularly funny - fascinating, maybe, but not funny and, as I said in an earlier post the people we now call terrorists may not be seen as such in the future.

Having chosen to not view the video I have no idea, but (to throw in a totally rhetorial question to which I ask that no-one tries to justify answering either way as politics on a Sunday night is even more boring than X Factor) if it's a Palestinian/Lebanese fella dying whilst trying to repel the forces of an illegal occupying force from the country next door that's big friends with the US, are they actually a 'terrorist' ?

I'm not sure that posting drivel is worthy of a ban as well, er, look at my track record.... But given recent discussions on death and mortality (the same thread windowlicker posted his links in, but at least he labelled them appropriately) I'm reasonably sure that a good proportion of people here might think as I did and wonder about the whole mindset behind the bit where we're supposed to find it funny

Now this is where I agree wholeheartedly with the Wavy one

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In the origonal post I didn't click the second link until after everything kicked off. I didn't find it funny but I wasn't morally outraged either. The guy, whoever he was got pasted by the very thing he was trying to paste other people with. Live by the sword and all that.

I do think that some of the reactions to the OP are over the top though. Sorry.

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FFS 'you lot' start an arguement and then 2 sec's later 'you all' make friends again.................Back in the day, people used to fall out and never speak to each other again,dunno what the worlds' coming to.......*

* no seriously Stop dragging *old* threads/comments into new one's.

We all know Who said What and to Who......

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FFS 'you lot' start an arguement and then 2 sec's later 'you all' make friends again.................Back in the day, people used to fall out and never speak to each other again,dunno what the worlds' coming to.......*

* no seriously Stop dragging *old* threads/comments into new one's.

We all know Who said What and to Who......

Up yours...I hate you!!!

Fancy a pint mate :beerchug:


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Great discussion glad I can provoke great feelings??

But surely if you play with fire eventually you are going to get burned??

If this is so bad why do they allow it on Youtube??

After providing the requested description nobody had to click on the link to watch it and I in no way did I force anyone to do so!!

So therefore I have done nothing wrong I actually thought bloody good job another one has died and it's another step closer to world peace!

If it is that bad could the Mods please remove it as that would be fine with me because I do not set out to upset people or bring the PBMag Forum into disrepute.

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I actually thought bloody good job another one has died and it's another step closer to world peace!

Another one what?

Do you have any idea who that was who blew himself up?

Any idea who he was fighting for or agaisnt?

I don't.

Just posted as a "terrorist" in the comedy section of Youtube. Not excactly verified source info on the fact that it was actually a terrorist is it.

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