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SRAD 750 vibration


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From looking at previous post on this forum it would appear that many of you have owned / ridden 750 SRADs. Mine is a '96 carbed model and the handle bar vibes are driving me nuts (tingling hands after regular ride, not bad but annoying).

I am just looking for advice on what people thing the problems may be caused by / a hopeful cure.

all bearings are fine and all engine/fork/front end bolts are torqued up OK. I have tried Rand G bar ends (a bit more wieghty) but with no change. Tyres are michelin Pilot road 2 in good condition

Any help would be gratefully excepted

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wheels balanced correctly?

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Have a SRAD 6, mine does it as well more through throttle side, mate had old injected Srad 7 his was the same, think its a Srad thing.

Everything on my bikes as should be nothing loose or unbalanced, I also get lot through the pegs, more than Yammy's I usually ride.

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Maybe worth messing with the bar end weights. It wont get rid of the vibes, but may move them somewhere else in the rev range due to the change in resonant frequency. Maybe as a no cost option, just try taking them off and see what it does. If it makes a difference, try heavier / lighter combos.

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Clutch bearing. Have had it on all the FZR's i've had. (FZR400R, FZR400RR, FZR1000). The clutch basket bearing is worn. Get yourself a new bearing and all should be good. To prevent it from happening again get the outerbasket balanced.

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